Ebola: [New] Updated Charts

Last Update: 03 August 2014 [Charts]
Current Update:
06 August 2014 [Data Source]
cfr_8.6 lcr_8.6 cumulative_bycountry_8.6cumulative_all_8.6new_bycountry_8.6new_all_8.6 Historical Data Sources:

[1] World Health Organization. Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Zaire, 1976. Report of an International Convention. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 1978;56(2):271-293.
[2] World Health Organization. Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Sudan, 1976. Report of a WHO/International Study Team. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 1978;56(2):247-270.
[3] Heymann DL, Weisfeld JS, Webb PA, et al. Ebola hemorrhagic fever: Tandala, Zaire, 1977-1978. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1980;142(3):372-376.
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[7] Khan AS, Tshioko FK, Heymann DL, et al. The Reemergence of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1995. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1999;179:S76-S86.
[8] World Health Organization. Ebola haemorrhagic fever – South Africa. Weekly Epidemiological Record. 1996;71(47):359.
[9] Okware SI, Omaswa FG, Zaramba S, et al. An outbreak of Ebola in Uganda. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2002;7(12):1068-1075.
[10] World Health Organization. Outbreak(s) of Ebola haemorrhagic fever, Congo and Gabon, October 2001- July 2002. Weekly Epidemiological Report. 2003;78(26):223-225.
[11] Formenty P, Libama F, Epelboin A, et al. Outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in the Republic of the Congo, 2003: a new strategy? Medecine Tropicale (Marseille). 2003;63(3):291-295.
[12] World Health Organization. Ebola haemorrhagic fever in the Republic of the Congo – Update 6. Weekly Epidemiological Record. 6 January 2004.
[13] World Health Organization. Outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Yambio, south Sudan, April-June 2004. Weekly Epidemiological Record. 2005;80(43):370-375.
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[17] Albarino CG, Shoemaker T, Khristova ML, et al. Genomic analysis of filoviruses associated with four viral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2012. Virology. 2013;442(2):97-100.

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